Building the Initialization Parameter File
New releases of IBM® Connect:Direct® for z/OS® often implement new initialization parameters. In addition, initialization parameters frequently become obsolete. IBM Connect:Direct detects parameters, which should be retired, and issues messages to NDMLOG. If you receive a return code of 4 when you stop IBM Connect:Direct, review the NDMLOG for a list of obsolete parameters. You must remove obsolete parameters to eliminate SITA995I messages.
IBM Connect:Direct processes initialization parameters during startup to specify alternate values for various parameters. The IBM Connect:Direct initialization module processes the file that contains these parameters.
You can create backup copies of the global and local initialization parameter files to use in an emergency situation if IBM Connect:Direct cannot successfully initialize after initparm updates have been applied.
You must define all initialization parameters that specify the IBM Connect:Direct VSAM file names except the optional $CD.STAT.ARCH.DIR parameter. Failure to take this step results in unpredictable behavior.
To specify your initialization parameters: