Network Map Remote Node Object Worksheet

The Remote Node object provides information about remote nodes to which the local node establishes sessions or that establish sessions with the local node.

Use the information on this worksheet when you modify your network map. See Define and Manage the Connect:Direct Network for field content.

Make a copy of this worksheet for each remote node.
Note: The components below correspond to the tabs on the Netmap Node Properties dialog box.
Network Map Component Information Needed
Main Options

Node Name

Operating System

Maximum Concurrent Local Node Session

Maximum Concurrent Remote Node Session

Default Class

Short Term Number of Retries

Interval (Time Between Retries)

Long Term Number of Retries

Interval (Time Between Retries)

TCP/IP Information

Host Name/IP Address

Port Number/Service Name

TCP/IP Communication Mode Name

Alt Comm Outbound (Alternate Outbound Addresses)

Alternate Comminfo (Alternate Netmap-Checked Addresses)

UDT Information

Host Name/IP Address

Port Number/Service Name

UDT Communication Mode Name

Alt Comm Outbound (Alternate Outbound Addresses)

Alternate Comminfo (Alternate Netmap-Checked Addresses)

Communications Path Communications Path Names
Note: You must designate at least one path.
Description Information

Contact Name

Contact Phone Number
