Copy a Non-controlled Tape Data Set to a Controlled Disk File (VSE)

This Process copies a non-CA-DYNAM/T or CA-EPIC controlled tape data set into a controlled disk file. The disk data set has already been defined to the appropriate system catalog. This Process runs on the same IBM® Connect:Direct® node using PNODE=SNODE processing.

TAP2DYD1 PROC        PNODE=SC.VSE.NODE                                         -
STEP001  COPY  FROM ( PNODE                                                    -
                    (DSN=TEST.TAPE.FILE                                        -
                     UNIT=5A0                                                  -
                     LABEL=(1,NL)                                              -
                     VOL=SER=(777777)                                          -
                     DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=1500,BLKSIZE=22500)                   -
                    )                                                          -
               TO   ( SNODE                                                    -
                    DSN=USER01.TEST.GDGCOPY1                                   -
                    UNIT=DLBLONLY                                              -
                    LABEL=(EXPDT=99365)                                        -
                    DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=1500,BLKSIZE=22500)                    -