Copy VM Sequential Files to CA-DYNAM/D Files (VSE)

This multi-step Process shows various ways of copying sequential files to DYNAM/D.

  • STEP01 and STEP02 copy to a DYNAM/D file that has not been defined to DYNAM/D.
  • STEP03 copies to a DYNAM/D file using a TYPEKEY containing DCB information.
  • STEP04 copies to an existing DYNAM/D file that has not been defined to DYNAM/D.
  • STEP05 copies a sequential file to a DYNAM/D file (not previously defined). The DYNAM/D file has different DCB information specified.
    STEP01    COPY  FROM  (DSN=’TESTA INPUT’                             -
                           LINK=(IVB4100,RIVB4100,RR,202)                -
                           PNODE DISP=SHR)                               -
                    TO    (DSN=’VSE.NODEF.STEP01’                        -
                           DCB=(DSORG=PS BLKSIZE=3200 LRECL=80 RECFM=F)  -
                           UNIT=DNOASGN                                  -
                           VOL=SER=POOLNAME                              -
                           SNODE DISP=RPL)	
    STEP02    COPY  FROM  (DSN=’CDFILE INPUT’                            -
                           LINK=(IVB4100,RIVB4100,RR,202)                -
                           PNODE DISP=SHR)                               -
                    TO    (DSN=’VSE.NODEF.STEP02’                        -
                           DCB=(DSORG=PS BLKSIZE=3200 LRECL=80 RECFM=F)  -
                           UNIT=DNOASGN                                  -
                           VOL=SER=POOLNAME                              -
                           SNODE DISP=RPL)
    STEP03    COPY  FROM  (DSN=’TESTA INPUT’                             -
                           LINK=(IVB4100,RIVB4100,RR,202)                -
                           PNODE DISP=SHR)                               -
                    TO    (DSN=’VSE.NODEF.STEP03’                        -
                           TYPE=DYNAMD                                   -
                           SNODE DISP=RPL)	
    STEP04    COPY  FROM  (DSN=’TESTA INPUT’                             -
                           LINK=(IVB4100,RIVB4100,RR,202)                -
                           PNODE DISP=SHR)                               -
                    TO    (DSN=’VSE.NODEF.STEP03’                        -
                           DCB=(DSORG=PS BLKSIZE=3200 LRECL=80 RECFM=F)  -
                           UNIT=DNOASGN                                  -
                           SNODE DISP=RPL)
    STEP05    COPY  FROM  (DSN=’TESTC INPUT’                             -
                           LINK=(SMI4100,RSMI4100,RR,202)                -
                           PNODE DISP=SHR)                               -
                    TO    (DSN=’VSE.NODEF.STEP05’                        -
                           DCB=(DSORG=PS BLKSIZE=1000 LRECL=100 RECFM=F) -
                           UNIT=DNOASGN                                  -
                           VOL=SER=POOLNAME                              -
                           SNODE DISP=RPL)