Copy Files and Use the Compression Feature (UNIX to UNIX)
This Process shows the syntax of the compress parameter. The compress parameter specifies that data is to be compressed, which reduces the amount of data transmitted as the file is copied from one node to another. The file is automatically decompressed at the destination. Code the compress parameter between the FROM and TO clauses of the COPY statement.
Compression activities for each step are as follows:
- Step01 specifies use of hex 20, the default, as a compression character.
- Step02 specifies use of character 1 as a compression character.
- Step03 specifies use of hex 11 as a compression character.
- Step04 specifies use of the extended compression method. CMP specifies the compression level. WIN specifies the window size. MEM specifies the memory level.
Use this Process when you copy files from UNIX to UNIX using the compress parameter.