DD Statements in Startup JCL

IBM® Connect:Direct® provides two members in the JCL file:

  • DGAJCONN—Contains the minimum set of DDs to run IBM Connect:Direct. You may want to use this set of DD statements as the base and add specific DD statements from the DGAJCONX member to fit your tracing needs.
  • DGAJCONX—Contains all possible DDs to cover stand-alone servers, IBM Connect:Direct/Plex systems, automatic traces, and various DEBUG output. Most of the DD statements in this JCL startup jobstream have been discussed earlier in this chapter.

The DD statements in the DGAJCONX JCL can be broken down into the following types:

  • Minimal DD statements included in the DGAJCONN JCL
  • DD statements for general operations
  • DD statements for running automatic traces.
  • DD statements for running detailed function traces in conjunction with the DEBUG initialization parameter in a stand-alone IBM Connect:Direct system
  • DD statements for running detailed function traces in conjunction with the DEBUG initialization parameter in a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex system
    The diagnostic DD statements associated with the DEBUG bits cause much more I/O and allocating them can consume significant CPU resources. To avoid degrading performance in your production environment, be sure to follow the guidelines in Diagnostic Tools.

The following DD statements are included in both the DGAJCONN and DGAJCONX JCL:

DDNAME Function
DMPUBLIB IBM Connect:Direct Process library
USRINFO Standard display from User exits
NDMLOG Automatic trace to list all initialization parameters read from the INITPARM data set including obsolete parameters, which are indicated by SITA995I messages, and all modules, along with the last date on which they were modified, and related fix numbers.
ESTAE Automatic trace to capture I/O errors, VTAM connection errors, ABEND control blocks, open and close errors, TCQ/TCX errors on adds and updates, and statistics file write errors.
RPLERRCK Automatic trace to capture VTAM/TCP send and receive errors.

The following DD statements run general functions in all systems:

DDNAME Function
CDDUMPR1 IBM Connect:Direct DUMP command output
ADRIOXLG Sysprint for DSS exit
SECURITY1 Security trace if Stage 2 exit has TRACE=DEBUG specified
CDSECURI Stage1 Security Trace
DMPRINT1 Submit command Output
APITRACE1 Stage2 API Trace, which consists primarily of IUI and batch interface activity
AXUNIQ Error Recovery
1Can generate excessive output. Use judiciously.
The following DD statements are used to run automatic traces and perform related functions.
Note: To handle B37 (out of space) conditions when tracing to disk, code the DD statement with FREE=CLOSE, which will close and deallocate the dataset. The DD statement will not be reallocated and tracing will stop. If the DD statement does not include FREE=CLOSE and a B37 condition occurs, the dataset is closed and reopened. Tracing continues and all old trace data to this DD is lost. When FREE=CLOSE is coded for JES datasets, closing the DD makes the JES entry available immediately for printing or purging without affecting the other JES datasets. You could specify FREE=CLOSE in the DD statement and then, using the ISPF MD dialog, periodically close the DD and reallocate it with FREE=CLOSE. This would enable you to purge old JES entries without having to reinitialize IBM Connect:Direct.
DDNAME Function
DEVTRACE1 Traces UCB open and close activity.
DMGEVENT Traces Event Services activity.
DMVSOPEN Formats the allocation block.
CDESTAE Diagnostics on various I/O errors from the statistics facility. Allocate this name by including in the IBM Connect:Direct startup JCL.
IGWTRACE1 Traces PDSE program objects load to unload activity.
LOSTOUT Lost term exit trace.
NDMAPI Used for diagnostics on session errors with the API.
NDMCMDS IUI/Application Program Interface (IUI/API) commands passed to IBM Connect:Direct. Also use it for diagnostics on session errors with the API.
CDCMDS IUI/Application Program Interface (IUI/API) commands passed to IBM Connect:Direct. Also use it for diagnostics on session errors with the API.
CDLOG1 A chronological log of IBM Connect:Direct events listing all master, console, programmer, and operator messages, and information on failed tests.
1Can generate excessive output. Use judiciously.

The following output DD statements are used to run detailed function traces and perform related functions in a stand-alone system.

Output DD Trace Type DEBUG Setting
RADBDD01 COPY Routine and RUN TASK trace 80000000
RADBDD05 Session manager trace 08000000
Rnnnnnnn Separate trace per task

(Example: “R0000005” to trace TASK 5)

Note: DDs are dynamically allocated by IBM Connect:Direct as required.
RADBDD07 API session trace 02000000
RADBDD08 DGADCBSU trace 01000000
N/A Make each SVC dump unique 00200000
SECURITY SECURITY trace control 00100000
RADBDD21 I/O buffer trace 00008000
RADBDD22 WTO all dynamic allocation parameters 00004000
CDZIIP System z Integrated Information Processor (zIIP)-related trace 00000800
RPLOUT RPL trace - long
Note: To avoid generating excessive output when you use this trace with a large value for the V2.BUFSIZE initialization parameter, use the short RPL trace.
RPLOUT RPL trace - short 00000040
RADBDD33 Version 2 session trace 00000020
RADBDD35 Logon exit trace 00000008
RADBDD36 Logon Process or trace 00000004
RADBDD37 SCIP exit trace 00000002
SCTRAPDD SNMP trace 00000001

The following output DD statements are used to run detailed function traces and perform related functions in a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment:

Output DD Trace Type DEBUG Setting
CDPLXACT ACTION queue manager trace 00002000
CDPLXCKP CKPT queue manager trace
CDPLXTCQ TCQ queue manager trace
CDPLXSTA STATS queue manager trace
CDPLXREQ First REQUEST queue manager trace
CDPLXRnn Second and subsequent REQUEST queue manager trace. For example, “CDPLXR03” traces the third queue manager.
CDPLXJOI JOIN queue manager trace
CDPLXWLB Workload Balancing trace 00001000