The Wait Queue

Processes in the Wait queue are waiting for a new or existing connection to become available between the local node and the remote node.

Processes can come from the Hold queue or the Timer queue. Processes also can be placed in the Wait queue by a submit command with no parameters specified, submit with retain=no, or submit with hold=no.

After the connection is made, Processes automatically move to the Execution queue.

The following table shows the status values for the Wait queue:

Status Comment
WC This status indicates the Process is ready to execute as soon as possible, but no session is available. Other Processes may be executing with the SNODE, and no other sessions are available. This Process runs as soon as a new session is created or an existing session becomes available.
WR This status indicates that the Process is in retry status. The number of retries and intervals between retries is specified in the network map.
WA This status indicates the initial queue status when a Process is submitted without a hold or retain value. This Process is ready to execute as soon as possible.
WS This status indicates that the Process is waiting for the PNODE to continue the session.