Customizing the Spool Transfer Feature

Ignore this procedure if your site does not use the Spool Transfer feature or if you are sending output to the JES reader from IBM® Connect:Direct®. For outbound transfers where you will be distributing print files from the JES Spool to IBM Connect:Direct, you must customize the Spool Transfer feature.

Note: For information on Spool Transfer, see IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS® Facilities Guide.

Customizing the Spool Transfer feature consists of the following tasks:

  1. Assemble DGASVPSA.
  2. Customize VPS/CDI Option.
  3. Restart VPS.
  4. Customize the sample Processes.
Note: The Spool Transfer feature requires that you install VTAM Printer Support (VPS) and that you include the optional code in VPS that enables it to interface with IBM Connect:Direct.