defines what constitutes a double-byte character for the defined language. RULES is only used when receiving a file from a platform other than z/OS or MVS, because the host cannot determine valid DBCS characters without language rules. The default is any character within the range of x'80' through x'FF', meaning IBM® Connect:Direct® interprets any character within this range as the first byte of a DBCS pair. Both characters in the pair are translated to host DBCS. If specified, use the END statement to terminate the RULES parameter.
Language Options Table
The following table identifies valid language options for the RULES parameter.
Language Option | Range |
KS5601 (Korean Standard) | x'A1'-x'AC' x'B0'-x'FD' |
KOREAN (Old Style) | x'81'-x'BF' |
JAPANESE | x'81-x'9F' x'E0'-x'FC' |
CHINESE (Traditional/Simplified and 5550) | x'81'-x'FC' |
BIG5 (Chinese) | x'A4'-x'C6' x'C9'-x'F9' |
x'01'-x'FF' | user selectable |
The following example shows the syntax for the RULES parameter.
The KS5601 language option is in the DGATXKSC table, which is provided in $CD.SDGASAMP.
The following graphic represents the IBM Connect:Direct hexadecimal DBCS code points.

The following graphic represents the Korean Standard (KS5601) hexadecimal DBCS code points. The first character of each code point coincides with the range values in the Language Options Table.

The following graphic represents the Korean hexadecimal DBCS code points. The first character of each code point coincides with the range values in the Language Options Table.

The following figure is a graphic representation of the Japanese hexadecimal DBCS code points. The first character of each code point coincides with the range values in the Language Options Table.

The following graphic represents the Traditional Chinese hexadecimal DBCS code points. The first character of each code point coincides with the range values in the Language Options Table.

The following graphic represents the Chinese (BIG5) hexadecimal DBCS code points. The first character of each code point coincides with the range values in the Language Options Table.

The following graphic represents the default hexadecimal DBCS code points.

RULES Examples
The following example translates all characters as DBCS that adhere to the KS5601 standard, or all characters that start with an x'A1' through x'AC' or x'B0' through x'FD'. Treat these characters as double-byte characters.
The following example translates all characters as DBCS that adhere to the customized table. Treat all characters that start with x'90' through x'94' or x'B0' through x'B4' as double-byte characters.