VSAM File Dumps

If a problem occurs when using a IBM® Connect:Direct® VSAM file, you might need a dump of the VSAM file for problem resolution. To dump a Connect:Direct for z/OS® VSAM file, use the IBM Access Method Services (IDCAMS) PRINT command. If you send an IDCAMS PRINT of the TCQ, include the TCX file.

Refer to the sample job stream in the following example for creating a Connect:Direct for z/OS VSAM dump.

//             MSGLEVEL=(1,1)
//SYSIN    DD *
  PRINT INDATASET(DUMP1.ZOS.VSAM1)                              -

To copy a VSAM file to tape, use the IDCAMS REPRO command. You must include the DCB parameters, RECFM=VB, DSORG=PS for the data set created on the tape. In the LRECL and BLKSIZE parameters for the dataset created, you must reflect the size specified for the RECORDSIZE parameter used when you defined the file.

For example, if the IBM Connect:Direct statistics file was initially defined with RECORDSIZE (4089 4089), copy the IBM Connect:Direct statistics file by typing the following DCB parameters in the DD statement in the JCL.

//          DCB=(LRECL=4089,BLKSIZE=4089,RECFM=F,DSORG=PS)