View Statistics

Connect:Direct® logs statistics for Connect:Direct Process activity. The Connect:Direct statistics include Connect:Direct Secure Plus information for a Process. Connect:Direct information is included in the Process statistics information only when you attach to a Connect:Direct server.

Connect:Direct Requester Select Statistics

Use the Select Statistics function of Connect:Direct Requester to view the information about a Connect:Direct Process, including statistics information about a particular Process. If Connect:Direct Secure Plus is enabled, view Connect:Direct Secure Plus by scrolling to the bottom of the Statistics Detail dialog box, in the Session Start Record (SSTR) and Copy Termination Record (CTRC).

For more information on using Connect:Direct Requester to view statistics information, see the Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows Help or the IBM® Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows System Guide.

The Connect:Direct Secure Plus fields and valid values available using the Select Statistics function of the Connect:Direct Requester are shown in the following table:
Field Name Description Valid Values
Secure+ Enabled Specifies whether Connect:Direct Secure Plus is enabled. Y | N
Secure+ Protocol

Which protocol is enabled.

SSL 3.0 | TLS 1.0
Cipher Suite

Displays the cipher suite used during a session. cipher suite name, for example:


PNode Cipher List

Specifies the encryption algorithms available for the PNODE during the session.

PNode Cipher

Specifies the preferred data encryption as specified in the Connect:Direct Secure Plus parameters file of the PNODE.

Y | N
SNode Cipher List

Specifies the encryption algorithms available for the SNODE during the session as specified in the Connect:Direct Secure Plus parameters file of the SNODE.

SNode Cipher

Specifies the preferred data encryption algorithm as defined in the Connect:Direct Secure Plus parameters file of the SNODE.

Y | N

Connect:Direct CLI Select Statistics Detail

When you use the CLI Select Statistics function to view the information about a Connect:Direct Process, you see statistics information about a particular Process. The Connect:Direct fields are shown in bold in the following samples.

Session Start (SSTR) Record

The following sample Session Start Record (SSTR) displays the output of an SSL session:
Record Id         => SSTR
Process Name      =>                   Stat Log Time  => 15:23:21
Process Number    => 0                 Stat Log Date  => 10/16/2009
Submitter Id      =>
Start Time        => 15:23:20          Start Date     => 10/16/2009
Stop Time         => 15:23:21          Stop Date      => 10/16/2009
SNODE             => JKTIB8100
Completion Code   => 0
Message Id        => LSMI004I
Message Text      => PNODE session started - remote node &NODE
Secure+ Protocol  => SSL 3.0
SSL Cipher Suites => SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5

Copy Termination (CTRC) Record

The Copy Termination Record (CTRC) sample below uses the SSL protocol:

Record Id         => CTRC
Process Name      => XX              Stat Log Time  => 15:26:32
Process Number    => 195             Stat Log Date  => 10/16/2009
Submitter Id      => user1
Start Time        => 15:23:47        Start Date     => 10/16/2009
Stop Time         => 15:26:32        Stop Date      => 10/16/2009
SNODE             => DLAS8100
Completion Code   => 0
Message Id        => SCPA000I
Message Text      => Copy operation successful.
COPY DETAILS: Ckpt=> Y Lkfl=> N Rstr=> N XLat=> N Scmp=> N Ecmp=> N
From node         => S
Src File          => D:\long path
Dest File         => D:\long path
Src CCode         => 0              Dest CCode       => 0
Src Msgid         => SCPA000I       Dest Msgid       => SCPA000I
Bytes Read        => 23592960       Bytes Written    => 23592960
Records Read      => 1024           Records Written  => 1024
Bytes Sent        => 23791420       Bytes Received   => 23791420
RUs Sent          => 30721          RUs Received     => 30721
Secure+ Protocol =>SSL 3.0
SSL Cipher Suites =>SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5

Connect:Direct CLI Select Process Detail

When you use the CLI select process command to view information about a Connect:Direct Process, you see statistics about a Process. If Connect:Direct Secure Plus is not enabled, no Connect:Direct Secure Plus information is displayed:

Process Name      => XX                Class          => 32
Process Number    => 197               Priority       => 10
Submitter Node    => DALLAS            PNode          => DALLAS
Submitter         => user1             SNode          => DALLAS
Retain Process    => N
Submit Time       => 15:55:55          ScheduleTime   =>
Submit Date       => 10/19/2009        ScheduleDate   =>
Queue             => EXEC
Process Status    => EX
Message Text      =>
Function          => COPY
Step Name         => TWO
Type              => Send
File Bytes        => 3202560           File Recs      => 0
Xmit Bytes        => 3247926           Xmit Buffers   => 0
Signature Enabled => Y