Placing the Process in the Hold or Retain Queue

To place the Process in the Hold or Retain queue to run at a later time:

  1. Open the Process and click the Control tab.
  2. To place the Process in the Hold queue for future execution, select one of the following options in the Hold field:
    • Select Yes to hold the Process in the queue in Held Initially status (HI) until explicitly released.
    • Select Call to hold the Process until a connection is established between the PNODE and the SNODE. The Process executes if another Process establishes connection between the nodes.
  3. To place the Process in the Retain queue, select one of the following options in the Hold field:
    • Select Yes to retain the Process in the Hold queue in Hold Retain status (HR) after execution.
    • Select Initial to retain the Process in the Hold queue in HR status for automatic execution every time the Process Manager initializes.
  4. Click OK to close the dialog box or click one of the other tabs to continue modifying Process options.
    Note: If you select Yes as the value in the Retain Execution Option and you specify a start time, the value defined in the Hold Execution Option takes precedence. If you set the value of the Hold Execution Option to Call, and set RETAIN to Yes, the value in the Hold Execution Option is ignored.