Connect:Direct Web Services Silent Install Example

  1. Download the installation package from Fix Central and navigate to the directory where the installation package is downloaded.

    The following files will be used to perform Silent Installation:

    • MFTWebservices.exe

    • MFTWebservices.bat (for Windows)
    • (for UNIX)
  2. Modify the file based on your requirements.
Table 1. Parameters for Windows-based Silent installation
Parameters Mandatory/Optional Description
CERTIFICATE_TYPE_NEW M This attribute stores value for certificate type to be used for secured communication.
Possible values:
  • 0 for a Self-signed
  • 1 for a Default
CERTIFICATE_TYPE_NEW_1 M This attribute should store the following values:
  • No value (blank)

    If the administrator elects to generate a self-signed certificate

  • Default Certificate

    If the administrator elects to generate the default certificate

CERTIFICATE_TYPE_NEW_2 M This attribute should store the following values:
  • No value (blank)

    If the administrator elects to generate a default certificate

  • Self Signed Certificate

    If the administrator elects to use a self-signed certificate

This attribute should store the following values:
  • 0 for a Self-Signed Certificate
  • 1 for a Default certificate
CERTIFICATE_TYPE_NEW_BOOLEAN_2 M This attribute should store the following values:
  • 0 for a Default certificate
  • 1 for a Self-Signed Certificate
USER_INSTALL_DIR M The directory where the installer will get installed. Example: /root/MFTWebServices
SSL_PORT M Port number used to communicate with the Jetty server.
POSTGRES_PORT M Port number used to communicate with the PostgreSQL database.
Note: For IBM® Connect:Direct® Web Service v6.0.0.5 and above users.
REDIS_PORT M Port number uses to communicate to the Redis Server.
Note: For IBM Connect:Direct Web Service users who are on an older release that is, prior to v6.0.0.5.
Table 2. Attributes for UNIX-based Silent installation
Parameters Mandatory/Optional Description
CERTIFICATE_TYPE M This attribute should store the following values:
  • 1 for a Default certificate
  • 2 for a Self-Signed Certificate
USER_INSTALL_DIR M The directory where the installer will get installed. Example: /root/MFTWebServices
SSL_PORT M Port number used to communicate with the Jetty server.
POSTGRES_PORT M Port number used to communicate with the PostgreSQL database.
Note: For IBM Connect:Direct Web Service v6.0.0.5 and above users.
REDIS_PORT M Port number uses to communicate to the Redis Server.
Note: For IBM Connect:Direct Web Service users who are on an older release that is, prior to v6.0.0.5.
Table 3. Common conditional parameters and parameters not to be edited
Parameters Mandatory/Optional Description
Read-Only parameters
INSTALLER_UI Use default value Do not modify this attribute.
CHOSEN_INSTALL_SET Use default value Do not modify this attribute.
Conditional Parameters
KEYSTORE_PASS O This attribute should store a Base64 password to the KeyStore where the certificate will be placed.
CONFIRM_PASS O This attribute should store the same value as KEYSTORE_PASS attribute.
CERTIFICATE_LABEL O This attribute should store the certificate label or alias of the certificate entered in lower case.
CERTIFICATE_EXPIRY_TIME O This attribute should store the expiry time in days.

Value entered should be greater than 0.


This attribute should store the Common Name of the certificate.

Values not allowed:
  • Special characters
  • IP addresses, Port numbers
  • "http:// or https://"
ORGANISATION O This attribute should store an Organization Name that must be registered with some authority at the national, state, or city level.

Use the legal name under which your organization is registered. Do not use an abbreviated form or use any of these symbols: ! @ # $ % ^ * ( ) ~ ? > < / \.

LOCALITY O This attribute should store the name of locality/city where the organization is located.
STATE O This attribute should store the name of state where the organization is located.
COUNTRY O This attribute should store country code in the standard format where the organization is located.
EMAIL_ID O This attribute should store e-mail ID for the support group.