Set up a new KeyStore/TrustStore

To set up a new KeyStore and TrustStore, follow the steps given below.
Note: This procedure overrides the Web Services' default KeyStore/Trustore settings.
  1. Navigate to following directory:
  2. Run the updateSSLParams.jar and enter the following details:
    Enter K for keystore or T for TrustStore update:
    Enter the complete path of KeyStore/TrustStore: <including fileName(.jks)>
    Enter the password: <Enter the password of the keystore >
    Enter the key to encrypt password: <Enter the key which will be used to encrypt 
    the password >

    After setting up the KeyStore and TrustStore, modify the Connect:Direct Web Console file.

  3. To update the file navigate to following directory:
    % cd $Installation_directory/mftws/BOOT-INF/classes
  4. Edit file and change the value server.ssl.key-alias with <Label of Certificate> used by Connect:Direct Web Server.
  5. Issue the following commands depending on environment type.
    • In Windows environment, Stop and Start CDWebServices service from from Task manager for changes to take into effect.
    • In UNIX environment, issue the following command to Stop and Start CDWebServices service: