
To configure property files that control system-wide Connect:Direct Web Services properties follow the steps given below:
  1. Navigate to the following directory:
    % cd $Installation_Directory/mftws/BOOT-INF/classes                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
  2. Modify and save after making necessary changes.
    Configuration Items Description
    accessKey.connectionTimeInactivityLimit Configure access token inactivity time in minutes

    Default: 60 min

    accessKey.connectionTimeMaxLimit Configure access token maximum timeout in minutes

    Default: 1440 min

    accessKey.maxConnectionNumber Configure maximum number of Connect:Direct node connections

    Default value is 100

    cdserver.http.enabled By default a HTTPS connection is enabled. Set this to TRUE to enable a HTTP connection.

    Default: False

    cdserver.http.port To configure HTTP Port

    Default: 9090

    certificate.finger.print A unique identifier to identify a particular certificate in a user friendly way.

    Default: null

    server.ssl.enabled-protocols To enable/disable legacy protocols. Where protocols can be TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2

    Default: TLSv1.2

    server.ssl.key-alias Alias that identifies the key in the key store

    Default: ibmconnectdirectwebservices

    server.port Port on which Connect:Direct Web Services is running.

    Default value: 9443

    This is a Web Server secure port.

    spring.datasource.url To configure Connect:Direct Web Services to communicate with Postgres server running on a given port.

    Default value: 5432

    Note: This value is set during installation and should not be modified without due consideration.
    statistics.limit Maximum Select Statistics records

    Default value: 500

  3. Issue the following commands depending on environment type.
    • In Windows environment, Stop and Start CDWebServices service from Task manager for changes to take into effect.
    • In UNIX environment, issue the following command to Stop and Start CDWebServices service: