Create and Save an Online Save File Through Connect:Direct for i5/OS

This RUN TASK statement creates the online save file named SAVEFILE1 in the library TESTSV1 on the i5/OS. A copy of the library is saved to SAVEFILE1 in the library TESTDT1. All SYSOPTS keyword values must be enclosed in parentheses, and the entire SYSOPTS string must be enclosed in double quotation marks. IBM® Connect:Direct® syntax requires using backslashes to continue the SYSOPTS over multiple lines. Bracketing backslashes allow for continuation of quotation marks when they begin and end on different lines.

STEP003  RUN TASK  (PGM=AS400) SNODE                               -
                    SYSOPTS=\"\                                    -
                            \CMD( \                                -
                            \CRTSAVF \                             -
                            \ FILE(TESTSV1/SAVEFILE1)  \           -
                            \ TEXT(’CREATED BY PROCESS CDTEST’) \  -
                            \    ) \                               -
                            \CMD( \                                -
                            \SAVLIB \                              -
                            \ LIB(TESTDT1) \                       -
                            \ DEV(*SAVF) \                         -
                            \ SAVF(TESTSV1/SAVEFILE1) \            -
                            \    ) \                               -