Creating a Process Statement
Every Process begins with a Process statement.
- Select Start > Programs > Sterling Commerce Connect Direct > CD Requester.
- From the File menu, select New > Process.
- Type a Process name, from 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters, in the Process Name field.
- Type or select the name of the PNODE in the Pnode Name field.
- To issue a warning message if an attempt is made to submit the Process on a different PNODE, click Warn if submitted to a different node.
- To issue a warning message if an attempt is made to submit the Process on a PNODE with a different operating system, click Warn if submitted to a different operating system.
- Specify the SNODE by selecting the node from the drop-down
menu, typing the name of the node, or specifying an IP address and
port, using the following format:
- Click one of the tabs to further define the Process options.