SMF Record Layout
The new SMF record layout is in the table below. It specifies the SMF TYPE or is
defaulted to by the new INITPARM (CDHWRTY=XL1’85’=133). It contains a subtype of 2
(CDHWSTY=XL2’0002’), and a subsystem identification of CDHW (CDHWSSI=CL4’CDHW ’) to aid in
identification. The first 24 bytes are the standard SMF record header for records with subtypes. The
remaining bytes are the High Water mark information.
Note: For programs, such as DFSort, that
reference field position rather than field offset, add 1 to the offset for control card usage. For
programs, such as REXX, EXECIO and ISPF BROWSE/EDIT, which do not handle the RDW field, subtract 4
from the offset to calculate field position.
For a sample layout, see the table below. Offsets | Name | Length | Format | Description | |
00 | 00 | CDHWLEN | 2 | binary | Record length. This field and the next field (total of four bytes) form the RDW (record descriptor word). |
02 | 02 | CDHWSEG | 2 | binary | Segment descriptor |
04 | 04 | CDHSFLG | 1 | binary | System indicator: |
05 | 05 | CDHWRTY | 1 | binary | Record type, from parameter 1 of the SESSION.HIGHWATER.SMF INITPARM. |
06 | 06 | CDHWTME | 8 | binary | Time since midnight, in hundredths of a second, when the record was moved into the SMF buffer. |
10 | 0A | CDHWDTE | 4 | packed | Date in the form 0cyydddF when the record was moved into the SMF buffer. See Standard SMF record header for a detailed description. |
14 | E | CDHWSID | 4 | EBCDIC | System ID (from SMCASID). |
18 | 12 | CDHWSSI | 4 | EBCDIC | Subsystem ID c’CDHW’. |
22 | 16 | CDHWSTY | 2 | binary | Record subtype x’0002’ = Session High Water Mark |
24 | 18 | CDHWSNAM | 8 | EBCDIC | System name from CVTSNAME. |
32 | 20 | CDHWJOB | 8 | EBCDIC | Job name of CDzOS server. |
40 | 28 | CDHWITME | 4 | binary | Time, in the form HHMMSSTH, when the CDzOS server was initialized. |
44 | 2C | CDHWIDTE | 4 | packed | Date in the form yyyydddC when the CDzOS server was initialized. |
48 | 30 | CDHWJID | 8 | EBCDIC | 8-character job identifier |
56 | 38 | CDHWPLX | 8 | EBCDIC | CDPlex name or blanks |
64 | 40 | CDHWSRV | 8 | EBCDIC | CDPlex server name or blanks |
72 | 48 | CDHWNOD | 16 | EBCDIC | CD local node name |
88 | 58 | CDHWUNU1 | 1 | Unused | |
89 | 59 | CDHWRCR | 1 | EBCDIC | Record Creation Reason: ‘I’=lnterval (CDHWRINT) reached ‘T’=Termination |
90 | 5A | CDHWRINT | 2 | binary | Recording Interval, in minutes, from parameter 2 of the SESSION.HIGHWATER.SMF INITPARM. |
92 | 5C | CDHWMAXP | 2 | binary | Maximum Allowed Concurrent Processes, from MAXPROCESS INITPARM. |
94 | 5E | CDHWSHWM | 2 | binary | Session High Water Mark for this interval. |
96 | 60 | CDHWHTME | 4 | binary | Time in the form HHMMSSTH, when the Session High Water Mark was first reached in this interval. |
100 | 64 | CDHWHDTE | 4 | packed | Date in the form yyyydddd when the Session High Water Mark was first reached in this interval. |
104 | 68 | CDHWPRCT | 2 | Binary | MAXPRIMARY Sessions |
106 | 6A | CDHWSECT | 2 | Binary | MAXSECONDARY Sessions |
108 | 6C | CDWHOS | 4 | EBCDIC | OS Type |
112 | 70 | CDHWOSVR | 4 | EBCDIC | OS Version |
116 | 74 | CDHWCDVR | 4 | Binary | CD Server Version |
120 | 78 | CDHWLIC | 8 | EBCDIC | License Edition |
128 | 80 | CDHWTYP | 4 | EBCDIC | License Sub-Type PROD/TEST |
132 | 84 | CDHWMSU | 4 | Binary | MSU Value |
136 | 88 | CDHWGMT | 4 | Binary | GMT Offset |
140 | 8C | CDHWNNUM | 4 | Binary | Number of Nodes |
144 | 90 | 2 | Reserved | ||
146 | 92 | CDHWHSTL | 2 | Binary |
Length of Hostname |
148 | 94 | CDHWHOST | 255 | EBCDIC | Hostname |
403 | 193 | 5 | Reserved | ||
408 | 198 | CDHWCNT | 8 | Binary | Number of times HW Count reached |
416 | 1A0 | 96 | Reserved |