Update the Remote Node Record

The update remotenode command creates a remote node record and configures the protocol settings. The command has the following parameters:

Command Parameter Values
update remotenode Name=Specifies name for the remote node record. remote node name | wildcard

Use wildcard characters to update a group of remote node records. The options are:

Asterisk (*)—Any number of characters. Example: kps.* displays remote nodes with a name that starts with kps.

Question mark (?)—Single character. Example: k?s.* displays kas.* and kbs.*.

  protocol=Specifies a comma delimited list of Protocols to use in the remote node record. Disable | SSL,TLS,TLS1.1,TLS 1.2 | DefaultToLN

(See Display Protocols)

  SecurityMode Disable | FIPS140-2 | SP800-131A_TRANSITION | SP800-131A_STRICT | SUITE_B-128 | SUITE_B-192 | DefaultToLN
  override=Identifies if values in the copy statement can override values defined in the remote node record. y | n | DefaultToLN
  AuthTimeout=Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that the system waits to receive the Connect:Direct® control blocks exchanged during the Connect:Direct authentication process. 0–3600

The default is 120 seconds.

  KeyCertLabel=Identifies the label of the key certificate. keycert label | null
  EncryptData=If no is specified, Encrypt Only Control Block Information; data is sent unencrypted. Default is Yes - data and control block information are encrypted. y | n | DefaulttoLN
  ClientAuth = Enables client authentication with a remote trading partner. y | n | DefaultToLN
  CertCommonName=The certificate common name defined in the certificate. name | null

null—Clears any existing values from the node definition.

  CipherSuites= Specifies the cipher suites enabled.

Note: Only certain cipher suites are supported in FIPS-mode.

comma delimited list of cipher suites | All | null
  SeaEnable=Enables certificate validation by Sterling External Authentication Server. y | n | DefaultToLN

DefaultToLN—Defaults to the setting specified in the .Local node record

  SeaCertValDef=Character string defined in Sterling External Authentication Server (SEAS). character string | null

null—Clears any existing values from the node definition.