Manage Processes
Connect:Direct® for Microsoft Windows provides the following tools to manage Processes:
- Process Monitor—Enables you to view Processes in the TCQ, release held Processes, change the status of a Process, and delete a Process. After you submit a Process, it is placed in the Transmission Control Queue (TCQ).
- Process Notification Utility—Enables you to change the notification method. You define the method of notifying users of Process execution when you install Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows.
- Microsoft Windows Event Logging—Logs informational, warning, and error messages.
- Messages—If you need to troubleshoot the meaning of an error message, you can view more information about an error message with the Message Lookup.
- Activity Log—This document contains a list of Connect:Direct activities,
including every significant activity that you have requested from
the time the activity log is opened until it is closed. Each activity
record logged is maintained with the significant data associated with
it. For example, when you save a file, the Save activity record is
stored, with the file name of the saved document.
The Activity Log is created at startup and is enabled by default. It can be viewed in the Output window by clicking the Activity Log tab. You may create, save, open, close, and print Activity logs. To save an activity log, you must specify that you want the activity log written to a file. When you open a new activity log, the currently active Log is inactivated. You must close Connect:Direct Requester in order to open an activity log.