Creating a Process

A Process begins with a Process statement that defines general information about the Process. When you create a Process, the PEND statement is added to the end of the Process and is a required statement that marks the end of a Process. Do not edit or delete the PEND statement.

  1. Select File > New > Process.
  2. Type a Process name, from 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters, in the Process Name field.
  3. If all work will be performed on the PNODE, type or select the name of the PNODE in the PNODE Name field.
  4. To issue a warning message if an attempt is made to submit the Process on a different PNODE, click Warn if submitted to a different node.
  5. To issue a warning message if an attempt is made to submit the Process on a PNODE with a different operating system, click Warn if submitted to a different operating system.
  6. Specify the SNODE in one of the following ways:
    • Select the node from the drop-down menu.
    • Type the name of a Connect:Direct® node.
    • Specify an IP address and port, using the following format:
  7. Click OK.
  8. Add commands as necessary to the Process.
  9. If desired, change the options for the Process.