TCP.API.TIMER = 00:00:00 | hh:mm:ss

This parameter specifies the maximum time of session inactivity a TCP/IP connected IUI or API session waits before timing out and exiting. The default value of 00:00:00 indicates that no timer is used. The effective range is 00:20:00–02:00:00 (20 minutes–2 hours).

If you are using Control Center to monitor your Connect:Direct® for z/OS® server, set this value to at least twice the value of the Monitor Rest Time setting in Control Center.

Note: It is recommended that you set the value for the TCP.API.TIMER parameter to at least one minute greater than the wait timeout value set for IBM® system management facilities (SMF) to avoid problems when restoring migrated data sets. For information on the TIMEOUT parameter, see Signing On to Connect:Direct for z/OS in IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS User Guide.

Modifiable through MODIFY INITPARMS command: YES