Archive Statistics Files

Connect:Direct® for UNIX provides a utility to archive and purge statistics files. When you configure Connect:Direct for UNIX, you identify when to archive a statistics file by setting the parameter, max.age, in the stats record of the initialization parameters file. The max.age parameter defines how old a statistics file must be before you want to archive the file.

Once a day, the script called is started. This script identifies the statistics files that are equal to the max.age. It then runs the tar command and the compress command to create a compressed archived file of all the statistics records that match the max.age parameter. Once the statistics files are archived, these files are purged. For files archived on a Linux computer, the archived statistics files have the .gz suffix since these files are compressed with the gzip format. Archived files on all other UNIX platforms have the .Z suffix to indicate they are compressed using the compress format.

The archived files are stored in the directory where the statistics files and TCQ are stored. The shell script,, is located in the ndm/bin directory. If necessary, modify the script to customize it for your environment.

If you want to restore statistics files that have been archived, run the script. It uses the uncompress and tar commands to restore all the statistics files in the archive. You supply two arguments to the statrestore command. The first argument is the directory path where the statistics files are located and the second argument identifies the archived file name followed by as many archived file names as you want to restore. Below is a sample statrestore command:

qa160sol: ./ /export/home/users/cd4000/ndm/bin archive1

After files are restored, the statistics records can be viewed using the select statistics command.