Features and Enhancements

Connect:Direct® for Microsoft Windows version 6.0 and its related software have the following features and enhancements:

New Features and Enhancements
To install this software, you should go to the Fix Central website, and follow instructions described in sections given below to install the latest available fix pack:

With this fix pack Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows introduces support for license governance, remote maintenance application, and upgrades by Control Center Director. For related document see, IBM Control Center Director Support.

New Features and Enhancements
  • Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows extends the client API authentication process to include trusted local host authentication to ease password management routines in large deployments.

    For information on configuring and enabling API client authentication support, see Authenticating client connection.

    IBM recommends using password-based authentication or certificate-based authentication method to authenticate client connections. Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows users should aware of the following implications of using Trusted Local Host Authentication.

    • Trusted Local Host Authentication allows any program running on the same host as Connect:Direct to submit API commands to Connect:Direct without specifying a password.
    • In some cases, for example when Connect:Direct is running on a multi-user system, Trusted Local Host Authentication may not provide adequate security. Enable Trusted Local Host Authentication only when the Admin is certain that doing so does not create a security risk.
  • This release makes impersonation optional, allowing processes to be executed under the same Service account that Connect:Direct for Windows is running. To enable this feature, go to:
    • User Proxies > Directories> select Allow process to run using Service Account. In User Function Authorities, the setting is available on the Main panel.
    • Functional Authorities Users Main panel > select Allow process to run using Service Account

    For more information, see Defining User Authority.
    Note: If impersonation is disabled, the account under which Connect:Direct runs (Connect:Direct’s Service Account) must have appropriate access to the source files and destination folders used when Connect:Direct transfers files.
Fix Pack 2 (v6.0.0.2)
New Features and Enhancements
Local functional authority type template is now updated to include a new Operator user type. An Operator user has Read-only permissions to view configuration files and monitor file transfers but not modify, delete or submit a process. For more information see, About Local Functional Authorities.
Note: To support this functionality both, IBM® Connect:Direct Requester and Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows server must be upgraded to fix pack v6.0.0.2.

Base Release (v6.0)

New Features and Enhancements
  • Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows and Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows SDK 6.0 are available as 64-bit applications. Connect:Direct Requester remains a 32-bit application.
  • PostgreSQL database is upgraded to 64-bit version.
  • The Connect Direct Windows software is now digitally signed with a certificate to confirm the software author. This guarantees that the software has not been altered since it was signed.

Features removed from this release

  • Support for MySQL database has been removed. Current Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows installations configured with MySQL will be migrated to use PostgreSQL.
  • Support for SolidDb has been removed. Current Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows installations configured with SolidDb will be migrated to use PostgreSQL.
  • Support for SNMP has been removed.
Note: Default installation folder has changed:
On 64-bit OS:  C:\Program Files\IBM\Connect Direct v6.0