API Signons

The communication address used to establish a connection to IBM® Connect:Direct® is determined by the TRANSPORT parameter defined in the SIGNON command. The default for the TRANSPORT parameter is NET (NETMAP), which means that the protocol defined in the NETMAP adjacent node entry is used.

Parameter Value Description
TRANSPORT = NET Default. When TRANSPORT is defined as NET, the signon process retrieves the adjacent node entry to determine if the TCPAPI parameter has been defined. If TCPAPI exists, then a TCP connection is attempted using the communications address defined. The communications port number is obtained from the TCPAPI parameter, and if the IP address exists in the TCPAPI parameter, it is also used. If the IP address does not exist in the TCPAPI parameter, it must be obtained from either the adjacent node or the LDNS parameter.

If the TCPAPI does not exist, the APPLID parameter is retrieved, and SNA is used as the protocol.

TRANSPORT = SNA When TRANSPORT is defined as SNA, the signon process retrieves the adjacent node entry to determine the APPLID parameter, and SNA is used as the protocol. If the APPLID parameter does not exist, then an ESF SIGNON is performed.
TRANSPORT = TCP When the TRANSPORT is defined as TCP, the communications address must be specified on the SIGNON command.

To initialize IBM Connect:Direct without SNA support, refer to Initializing IBM Connect:Direct without SNA Support in the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS® Configuration Guide.