CLI Commands
The following table provides a summary of all available commands that can be used with the CLI.
Command | Abbreviations | Description |
submit | sub | Submits a Process to the Connect:Direct® node. |
change process | cha, chg, c | Modifies the specified parameters for a nonexecuting Process. |
delete process | del, d pro, proc, procs, p |
Deletes the specified Process from the TCQ. |
select process | sel pro, proc, procs, p |
Retrieves status information about the specified Process. |
select message | sel mes, msg, m |
Retrieves the text explanation of any message Connect:Direct issues. |
select statistics | sel sta, stat, stats, st |
Retrieves statistics records for the specified Process. |
traceoff | tof, troff | Disables the trace facility. |
traceon | ton, tron | Enables the trace facility. |
help | Lists the supported Connect:Direct commands. | |
quit | qui, q | Stops the Connect:Direct CLI. |
stop | sto | Stops the Connect:Direct server. |