Change Process Command

Use the change process command to modify specified parameters for a nonexecuting Process or Processes in the TCQ.

Select the Processes to change by Process name, Process number, SNODE name, submitter ID, or a combination of these.

Note: All changes affect the Process in the TCQ, not the original text of the Process as submitted.

The change process command performs the following functions:

  • Changes the class, SNODE name, destination node, or priority of a Process
  • Places a Process in the Hold queue or releases a Process from the Hold queue

The format for the change process command follows:

Command Parameters
change process /* Search Criteria */
[pname=Process name | generic | (list)]
[pnumber=Process number | (list)]
[snode=snode name | generic | (list)]
[submitter=(node name, userid) | generic | (list)]
/* The following parameters specify the characteristics of Connect:Direct® Processes that you can modify. */
class= | session number
hold=yes | no | call
newsnode=new snode name

Search Parameters

Specify at least one of the following search criteria parameters:

Parameter Description
pname=Process name | generic | (list) The name of the Process or Processes. The name can be 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters long.
pnumber=Process number | (list) The Process number of the Process. The Process numbers are assigned when you submit the Process. Valid Process numbers range from 1 to 99999.
snode=snode name | generic | (list) Searches for a Process or Processes by the SNODE (partner) name. The SNODE name can contain 1 to 16 alphanumeric characters. You can use the IP address of the SNODE as your SNODE name.
submitter=(node name, userid) | generic | (list) Searches for a Process or Processes by the node specification and userid of the Process owner. The maximum combined length, including the node name and userid for this parameter, is 66 characters.

Change Parameters

You can change one or more of the following characteristics of a Connect:Direct Process:

Parameter Description
class=nn | session number Changes the node-to-node session on which the Process can execute. A Process can execute on the specified class or any higher session class.

The execution priority of the Process. The values for the execution priority range from 1 to 15 and are mapped to Microsoft Windows Process priority classes and values. The highest priority is 15.

Only Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows supports the execution priority option.

hold=yes | no | call

Moves the Process to the Hold or Wait queue.

yes—Places the Process in the Hold queue in HO (Held by Operator) status until another change process command explicitly releases it.

no—Places the Process in the Wait queue in WC (Waiting for Connection) status. The Process executes as soon as resources are available.

call—Places the Process in the Hold queue in HC (Held for Call) status until the SNODE connects to the PNODE or another Process is submitted. At that time, Connect:Direct releases the Process for execution.

newsnode=new snode name Specifies a new SNODE name to assign to the Process.
release Releases the Process from a held state. This parameter is equivalent to Hold=no.

The selection priority in the TCQ. This priority parameter is used for Process selection. A Process with a higher priority is selected for execution before a Process with a lower priority. The priority value does not affect the priority during transmission.

Values range from 0 to 15 inclusive, where 15 is the highest priority.


The following command changes the SNODE name for any nonexecuting Process named cdproc to a new SNODE name, paris.
change process pname=cdproc newsnode=paris;