Run a Silent Installation
cdw_install.exe installs the Microsoft Installer, Visual C++ Runtime Libraries and other prerequisites on a system when they do not already exist. To complete the installation, cdw_install.exe reboots the system if required and resumes the installation after the computer has restarted.
cdw_install.exe can accept a limited number of command-line parameters.
- You can pass parameters through cdw_install.exe to the included .msi file (MsiExec) by using the /v option. After you specify this option, list any supported parameters that can be passed to Msiexec.exe.
- To prevent cdw_install.exe from displaying a progress bar when it launches, use the /s command-line parameter. For example, if you enter cdw_install.exe /s, cdw_install.exe launches, but the user interface is not displayed.
- If you use the /v option and a command contains a text with a quotation mark within existing quotes, type a backslash (\) before the text. For example, the command line contains the following: /v"C:\My Files\SecurePlusEnable.mst\". Because the path contains spaces, you must use quotes. However, because quotes are required around the complete argument, failure to use a backslash before internal quotes causes the statement to fail.
- Do not put a space between the command-line option (/v) and the arguments.
- To define multiple parameters with the /v option, separate them with a space.
To attach to the network and install Connect:Direct® for Microsoft Windows features from the network location in a silent installation: