CD_SRVR.INI Parameter Values
Parameter Name | Parameter Definition | Values |
CD_SETUP_TYPE | Specifies the type of installation. Default configures a new installation. Upgrade migrates an existing installation. Custom and Default values have the same effect in silent installs. | Default | Custom | Upgrade |
CD_NODENAME | Local node name, from 1-16 characters, consisting of numbers, letters, @, #, $, -, underscore (_), and period (.) with no spaces or apostrophes. | If this field is blank, the parameter defaults to the first 16 characters of the computer where the server is installed. |
CD_UPGRADE_NODE | The version of software and node to upgrade. Valid only if CD_SETUP_TYPE=Upgrade. | Version number/node name. For example: CD_UPGRADE_NODE=v4.8.0\MYNODE. The default node is the first node of the most recent version installed. |
CD_UPGRADE_KEEPSCR_FLAG | Prevents the current version from being deleted before installing the new version. Valid only if CD_SETUP_TYPE=Upgrade. |
1=enabled. If the selected installation type is Upgrade/Migrate, the previously installed version is uninstalled by default. |
CD_HOST_IP | The IP address or host name of the server used for node-to-node communication. | Any valid IP address or host name. If blank, the IP address is obtained from the destination computer's IP address in the TCP/IP stack. |
CD_HOST_PORT | The port number that Connect:Direct® for Microsoft Windows, or user-written API programs, will use to establish client sessions with this Connect:Direct server for outgoing communications. | A numeric value in the format nnnn, where nnnn is a positive integer no larger than four digits. The default is 1364. |
CD_API_IP | The IP address or host name of the server used for API (client) connections. | Any valid IP address or host name. If blank, the IP address is obtained from the destination computer's IP address in the TCP/IP stack. |
CD_API_PORT | The port number that Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows or user-written API programs will use to establish client sessions with this Connect:Direct server. You must specify the port when it differs from the default. | A numeric value in the format nnnn, where nnnn is a positive integer no larger than four digits. The default is 1363. |
CD_ACTIVEDIR_FLAG | Registers the client IP address to active directory. | 1=enabled. Disabled by default. |
CD_NOTIFY_TYPE | Defines the Process completion notification type. | NT Broadcast | SMTP |
CD_NOTIFY_SMTP_HOST | If CD_NOTIFY_TYPE = SMTP, this field identifies the IP address of the SMTP host. | Host address in the format |
CD_NOTIFY_SMTP_PORT | If CD_NOTIFY_TYPE = SMTP, this field identifies the port used by the SMTP host. | Port number up to four characters. The default value is 25. |
CD_NOTIFY_SMTP_SENDER | If CD_NOTIFY_TYPE = SMTP, this field identifies the e-mail address to identify the sender of the message | Valid e-mail address. |
CD_NOTIFY_SMTP_AUTHENTICATE | If CD_NOTIFY_TYPE = SMTP, this field enables authentication. If this value is not set, the user ID and password fields are ignored. | 1=enabled. Disabled by default. |
CD_NOTIFY_SMTP_USERID | If CD_NOTIFY_TYPE = SMTP, this field identifies the user ID to use to authenticate the server. | A valid user ID. |
CD_NOTIFY_SMTP_PWD | If CD_NOTIFY_TYPE = SMTP, this field identifies the user password to use to authenticate the server. | A valid user password. |
CD_USERAUTH_FILE | The path name and file name of a valid user authority file. | Any valid user authority file. For example: C:\Configurations\MyUserAuth.cfg |
CD_NETMAP_FILE | The path name and file name of a valid network map file. | Any valid network map file. For example: C:\Configurations\MyNetmap.cfg |
CD_INITPARMS_FILE | The path name and file name of a valid initialization parameter file. | Any valid Microsoft Windows directory and initialization parameter file name. For example: C:\Configurations\MyInitparms.cfg |
CD_SVC_ACCOUNT | Service user account. Installation fails if the user doesn't have the following privileges: act as part of the operating system, log on locally, log on as service, replace a process level token. | Domain\Username format. The default account is the local system account. |
CD_SVC_ACCOUNT_PWD | Service user account password. | |
CD_DATABASE_NAME | Specifies the name of the database. | The default database name is CDWINNT. |
CD_DATABASE_TYPE | Configures the TCQ and Statistics databases. MSSQL must be installed and configured prior to installing IBM Connect:Direct. PostgreSQL is optionally installed and configured during the install. | POSTGRESQL | MSSQL |
CD_POSTGRESQL_PORT | If CD_DATABASE_TYPE = POSTGRESQL, this parameter specifies the PostgreSQL server port number. | The default port number is 23470. |
CD_POSTGRESQL_USERID | If CD_DATABASE_TYPE = POSTGRESQL, this parameter specifies the user ID of the POSTGRESQL server administrator. | The default user ID is root. |
CD_POSTGRESQL_PWD | If CD_DATABASE_TYPE = POSTGRESQL, this parameter specifies the PostgreSQL server system administrator's password. The password is required. | |
CD_SQL_SERVER | If CD_DATABASE_TYPE = MSSQL, this parameter specifies the name of the SQL server. | Valid SQL Server |
CD_SQL_AUTHENTICATION | If CD_DATABASE_TYPE = MSSQL, this parameter specifies the SQL authentication. | Disabled by default. |
CD_SQL_USERID | If CD_DATABASE_TYPE = MSSQL, this parameter specifies the user ID of the SQL server system administrator. If SQL authentication is enabled, the SQL user ID and password are required. | |
CD_SQL_PWD | If CD_DATABASE_TYPE = MSSQL, this parameter specifies the SQL server system administrator's password. | Valid 1-30 character SQL Server System administrator password |
CD_SPE_DISABLE_FLAG | Disables the Secure+ Strong password encryption feature. | 1=disabled. Enabled by default. |
CD_KEYSTORE_FILE | Specifies the file name for Secure+ KeyStore file. | The file name should not include a path. The default file name is cdkeystore.kdb. |
CD_KEYSTORE_PWD | Specifies the password for Secure+ KeyStore file. The password is required when Secure+ is installed. | |
CD_NETMAP_CHECK | Specifies the initialization parameter network map check settings. | Y | L | R | N |
CD_NODE_CHECK | Specifies the initialization parameter node check settings. | A | B | C |
CD_CLIENT_KEYCERT_FILE | Specifies the Secure+ Client Key Certificate file name. (PEM PKCS8). | |
CD_CLIENT_KEYCERT_PWD | Specifies the password for the Secure+ Client Key Certificate file. | |
CD_CLIENT_CIPHERSUITES | Enables the TSL or SSL cipher suites for the node record. Optional. | The default is (TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA) |
CD_ADMIN_USERID | Specifies the default Connect:Direct user authority. | Any valid user ID. |
Specify the Agent port details here to configure the Agent listening port that Control Center Director will use to communicate with the Agent. |
Default: 1365 |
Provide the Event Repository URL to configure the Control Center Director Open Server Architecture (OSA) URL, the target location where Agent posts all the events to Control Center Director. |
None |