About Using Masks for IP Address Ranges

When you specify a value for the tcp.src.ports parameter in the initialization parameters file, you can use masks to specify the upper boundary of a range of IP addresses that will use a specific port, multiple ports, or a range of ports. IBM® Connect:Direct® supports masks for both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses as shown in the following sample entry from the initparms.cfg file:

tcp.src.ports=(199.2.4.*, 1000), (fd00:0:0:2015:*::*, 2000-3000), (, 4000-5000), (fd00:0:0:2015::0/48, 6000, 7000)

These sample addresses specify the following information:

(199.2.4.*, 1000)—Any IPv4 address that falls in the range from through will use only port 1000.

(fd00:0:0:2015:*::*, 2000-3000)—Any IPv6 address that falls in the range from fd00:0:0:2015:0:0:0:0 through fd00:0:0:2015:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff will use a port in the range of 2000 through 3000.

(, 4000-5000)—Any IPv4 address that falls in the range from through will use a port in the range of 4000 through 5000.

(fd00:0:0:2015::0/48, 6000, 7000)—Any IPv6 address that falls in the range from fd00:0:0:2015:0:0:0:0 through fd00:0:0:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff will use port 6000 or port 7000.

As shown in the sample entry above, the wildcard character (*) is supported to define an IP address pattern. You can specify up to 255 unique IP address patterns or up to 1024 characters in length, each with its own list of valid source ports. If the wildcard character is used, the optional mask is not valid.