Simultaneous Session and Asset Tracking Reporting
IBM® Connect:Direct® utilizes Simultaneous Session and Asset Tracking to continually monitor server sessions, track metrics such as the high-water mark, generate SMF records to document the values, and generate audit reports with this data.
This feature is enabled by default and enables Connect:Direct administrators manage their server licensing requirements to:
• Help determine if the current usage of Connect:Direct servers is within the license entitlement levels and can prevent potential license violations
• Track usage of IBM Connect:Direct server and its neighbors and assist administrators decommission devices that are no longer accessing IBM Connect:Direct servers.
IBM Connect:Direct sets several important Global initialization parameters that supply values to process its various functions. For example, SESSION.HIGHWATER.SMF parameter is set to define a session expiration time. When this time period elapses, the Connect:Direct server records high-session limits, the time/date it occurred, and other additional information about the server itself such as, License type. This information is recorded as a SMF record into a zO/S standard facility, SMF and into its Statistics facility, Connect:Direct Server's Statistics to be utilized by IBM Control Center and other AIJ applications.
For example, Connect:Direct records and maintains the current session count internally and record this externally by writing the information to SMF record type 133. The SMF record type and the recording interval will be established at initialization time as specified with a new initialization parameter. Each Connect:Direct Server will record this information separately.
If the SMF record type of 133 is being used by another application, then you will need to specify a new SMF record type using the SESSION.HIGHWATER.SMF initialization parameter.
Post-processing of the SMF records will be done by a batch job, for which sample JCL and control cards are distributed in SDGAJCL that will produce audit reports from the data.
Additionally, this data is also recorded as a H2 record type in Server Statistics. Use SELECT STAT command to format a report for this record type. For more information see, SELECT STATSTICS Command in IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS® User Guide.