Prepare to Set Up Connect:Direct Secure Plus

Before you configure the Connect:Direct® Secure Plus environment, perform the following setup procedures.

  • Complete a worksheet for the local node record and a worksheet for each trading partner for whom you plan to enable Connect:Direct Secure Plus. Use the Local Node Security Feature Definition Worksheet to record the settings you plan to enable for the local node. For each trading partner, complete a Remote Node Security Feature Definition Worksheet and record the settings to enable Connect:Direct Secure Plus for the trading partner.
  • A keystore is used to help create and manage certificates using the IBM utility, iKeyman. You can use iKeyman to:
    • Create and manage key databases.
    • Create self-signed digital certificates for testing.
    • Add certificate authority (CA) and intermediate certificates.
    • Transfer certificates between key databases.
    • Create certificate requests and receive a digital certificate issued by a CA in response to a request.
    • For additional information on how to use iKeyman, see

  • Populate the Connect:Direct Secure Plus parameters file to include a record for each node running Connect:Direct Secure Plus. To communicate with a node running Connect:Direct Secure Plus, the node must have a record in the Connect:Direct network map and the Connect:Direct Secure Plus parameters file.