Setting Up Connect:Direct for UNIX Manual Pages
The UNIX operating system organizes all Help into manual (man) pages.
- For syntax of a UNIX command, type the following where command is
the UNIX command:
% man command Most UNIX systems store online manual pages in /usr/man/man1. IBM® Connect:Direct® stores its manual pages in d_dir/ndm/man1,where d_dir is the IBM Connect:Direct installation directory.
- Type the following command to copy the IBM Connect:Direct manual
pages into the UNIX manual pages directory:
% cp d_dir/ndm/man1/*.1 /usr/man/man1 You must have write privileges to the directory /usr/man/man1 to perform this command.
You can also use symbolic links instead of copying the files. Refer to UNIX manual pages.
- Type the following command to access IBM Connect:Direct manual
pages that you combined with UNIX manual pages, where command can
be cdpmgr, ndmxlt, or ndmmsg:
% man command