Selecting User Information from the Authorization File
The SELECT USER command displays a User record in the Authorization file. You can specify the search criteria and the format in which the information is presented.
The command has the following format and parameters. Required parameters and keywords appear in bold. Default values for parameters and subparameters are underlined.
Label | Command | Parameters |
(optional) | SELect USER | WHERE ( |
USERID = (nodename, user ID) | | ||
(generic | (list)) | ||
) | ||
PRint | TABle | ||
WHERE is the only required parameter for the SELECT USER command and USERID is the only required subparameter.
Parameter | Description |
WHERE (USERID = (nodename, user ID) | (generic | list)) EXCLUDE = (AUTH) |
This parameter specifies which User records you
want to examine. USERID = (nodename, user ID) | (generic | list) This parameter specifies the record to search for in the Authorization file. This subparameter of the WHERE parameter is required. The complete user ID consists of the nodename and the user ID enclosed in parentheses and separated by a comma. nodename specifies the node ID of the User record that is searched. Type a 1–16 character alphanumeric string. If the user node is not specified, nodename defaults to the IBM® Connect:Direct® system that receives the command. Note: Connect:Direct
for z/OS® does
not accept the following characters for the node name:
Important: Characters used in Netmap Node
Names (or Secure+ Node Names or Secure+ Alias Names) should be restricted
to A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and @ # $ . _ - to ensure that the entries can be
properly managed by Control Center, Connect:Direct Browser User Interface,
or Sterling Connect:Direct Application Interface for
Java (AIJ) programs.
user ID specifies the user ID of the User record. generic specifies generic selection of user IDs. To specify user nodes and user IDs generically, type a 1–7 character alphanumeric string with the first character alphabetic, plus an asterisk (*). For instance, if you specify a user ID of B*, examine records for BLACK, BRADFORD, and BROWN. list specifies a list of user IDs. EXCLUDE = (AUTH) This parameter specifies that the function-by-function authorization description is not included in the output. This subparameter of the WHERE parameter is not required. |
The following table describes the optional parameters for the SELECT USER command:
Parameter | Description |
PRint | TABle | This parameter specifies the output destination. PRINT specifies that the output of the SELECT USER command is printed rather than displayed. Printed output is in tabular format, the same as that produced by the TABle parameter. Output is routed to the destination specified in the PRINT keyword of the IBM Connect:Direct SIGNON command. TABle specifies that the output of the SELECT USER command is stored in a temporary file in tabular format and is displayed upon successful completion of the command. The default for the output is TABLE. |
CASE = Yes | No | This parameter specifies whether parameters associated with nodename and user ID are case sensitive. This choice overrides the case sensitivity designation selected for the session at signon and is in effect only for this command. The default is the designation made at session signon. |