Stage 1 Submit Exit

The stage 1 Submit exit control point executes in the API address space when a SUBMIT command is processed and in the DTF address space when a SUBMIT statement is encountered in a Process. Observe the following restrictions and requirements:

  • The IBM® Connect:Direct® stage 1 Submit exit is implemented as an executable load module.
  • You must name the load module DMCXSUBM.
  • You must link-edit the module as NORENT and NOREUS.
  • You must link-edit the module with an authorization code of 1.
  • The module must come from an authorized library.
  • For the TSO IUI, the module must come from a library in the LNKLST or ISPLLIB. Do not put the module in a STEPLIB. The only time a STEPLIB works under ISPF is when ISPLLIB is not allocated.
  • For DGADBATC and DGADCHLA, retrieve the module from a library in the LNKLST or STEPLIB.
  • Because information passed to the exit by IBM Connect:Direct is located above the 16 megabyte line, you must link-edit the module with AMODE ANY to make it capable of executing in 31-bit mode.