Sample Submit Exits

IBM® Connect:Direct® provides the following sample submit exits in $CD.SDGASAMP library.

Exits Description
DGAXSUBC This exit sets a 0 return code to pass back to the calling program. It also locates and increments the Process class by 1. It runs either as a stage 1 or stage 2 exit.
DGAXSUBD This exit documents the control block path to locate the source and destination data set names specified in the Process. It sets a 0 return code to pass back to the calling program. It also locates and increments the Process class by 1. It runs either as a stage 1 or stage 2 exit.
DGAXSUBX This exit sets a return code of 0 to pass back to the calling program. It runs either as a stage 1 or stage 2 exit.
DGAXSUBN This exit turns off all compression flags in the Process for a node defined as EXTernal, which is a function of the Stage2 Security exit and indicated in the NETMAP.

If it is named DMCXSUBM, it is invoked as a Stage1 submit exit for normal submits as well as a Stage2 submit exit for submits within a Process.

DGAXSUBP This exit determines if the submitted Process contains a RUN JOB statement. If the Process contains a RUN JOB statement and the exit encounters a stage 1 password, the exit returns an error. You must then provide either a PNODEID or an SNODEID, depending on which node the Process is executing. Use the PNODEID or SNODEID to validate the RUN JOB submitted job stream through the user=uid, password=pwd parameter built by the RUN JOB exit.
DGAXSUBR This exit rejects all submits by setting TARTNCD as 16, TQMSGID of SCBI159I and setting specific text in UIERRM1 and UIERRM2.
DGAXORR This exit documents the control block path to determine whether the Process is performing a send or receive. It sets a return code of 0 to pass back to the calling program. It runs either as a stage 1 or stage 2 exit.
DGAXACCT This exit is a Stage 1 SUBMIT exit example that shows how to update the Primary and Secondary Node accounting (PACCT and SACCT) information in the submitted Process.
Note: To update accounting information, you must also update your SUBMIT exit.