Submit a Process Using Symbolics on VMESA
This example shows using SUBMIT with the DSN parameter. Symbolics for PROCESS2 are supplied by the operator submitting PROCESS1.
The operator at the PNODE issues the following IBM® Connect:Direct® SUBMIT PROCESS command to initiate the file transfer:
In the following Process, CD.LA and CD.DALLAS are Connect:Direct for VM/ESA nodes.
PROCESS1 submits PROCESS2, where CD.DALLAS is a Connect:Direct for VM/ESA node and CD.NEWYORK is a Connect:Direct for z/OS® node.
- PROCESS1 copies the file TEST FILE in LA to a file called TEST FILE2 in Dallas. It then submits PROCESS2, which executes on the Dallas node. PROCESS2 is submitted with a PRTY of 14.
- PROCESS2 copies the file TEST FILE2 in Dallas to the file A345.NEW.DATA1 in New York.