IBM Connect:Direct DTF Session-Establishment Errors

IBM® Connect:Direct® DTF session-establishment errors prevent a successful connection between two IBM Connect:Direct systems. This section explains the most common causes of DTF session-establishment errors, actions to take, and the types of data you need to collect to troubleshoot the error.

Condition: Cannot Establish a Session with Another IBM Connect:Direct Session

The table describes the four possible causes and the courses of action to take.

Error Cause Action Collect




The links that connect the two IBM Connect:Direct systems are not active, or an error has occurred on the links. Review both the short text and long text messages. If you are unable to determine the problem, check the RPLERRCK DD for possible clues. Use your network management software to determine the status of the links used for system-to-system communication. Reactivate the links.
  • None
SVTM026I The cross-domain resource definition for the remote IBM Connect:Direct system is not active. Review both the short text and long text messages. If you are unable to determine the problem, check the RPLERRCK DD for possible clues. Use your network management software to determine the status of the IBM Connect:Direct cross-domain manager and cross-domain resource definitions used in communicating with other IBM Connect:Direct locations. Reactivate the cross-domain resource manager or cross-domain resources
  • None


The VTAM applid for the remote IBM Connect:Direct system is not active. Review both the short text and long text IBM Connect:Direct messages. If you are unable to determine the problem, check the RPLERRCK DD for possible clues. Use your network management software to determine the status of the applid for the remote IBM Connect:Direct system. Ensure the remote IBM Connect:Direct has initialized. Reactivate the VTAM applid, or initialize the remote IBM Connect:Direct. system.
  • None


The maximum number of secondary sessions is reached on the secondary IBM Connect:Direct system. Review both the short text and long text messages. If you are unable to determine the problem, check the RPLERRCK DD for possible clues. Determine the number of active VTAM sessions for the secondary location. Use your network management software to issue D NET,ID=applid,E (VTAM applid) at the secondary location site. Ensure that the maximum number of secondary sessions is sufficient for your requirements.

To avoid the situation that causes the STAA05I error, set the global initialization parameter, TCP.CONNECT.TIMEOUT= 0 | number of seconds.

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