Connect:Direct® Web Services Troubleshooting

Use the following table to help troubleshoot problems with Connect:Direct Web Services:

Problem Possible Cause Solution
Connect:Direct Web Console fails to load Cookies disabled in your browser settings and/or browser's local storage is persistent. Enable browser cookie, local storage, clear the cache, and reload the page.
Web Services Database service cannot be reached or a Jedis connection could not be established with the database. Failed Redis connection
  • Ensure that Redis service is running on the port specified in [sping.redis.port].
  • To check status for the Redis service issue the following command:
    <CDWS-InstallDir>/redis/redis_<port_number> status
  • To change Redis service issue the following command
    <CDWS-Install-Dir>/bin [./] ./
Upgrade fails

A previous attempt to uninstall Connect:Direct version was unsuccessful.

Cleanup the registry settings in the
  • Back up your installation data located in your <CDWSInstallDirecory>
  • This file is located in /var/ for Root users and $HOME/for non-root users
  • It is recommended to create a back up of Zero G registry file before you proceed.
  • Edit the Zero G registry file to remove entries that begin with MFTWebServices product name.
  • Delete any entries beginning with tag
    <product name="MFTWebServices">...</product>
  • Attempt to re-install or upgrade.
Connect:Direct Web Console fails to load Web Services is not accessible Ensure firewall rules have been added for inbound and outbound connections between Web Services and Connect Direct Server.

Firewall rules must allow inbound connections to the specified Web Services port. Connect Direct server must also have its API port open for web service.
Connect:Direct Web Services is not accessible A network or firewall restriction Ensure firewall rules are added on all the machines hosting Connect:Direct server(s).
There are no nodes visible under the User Function tab in the Web Console The Web Console could be experiencing delay in loading the nodes. If the problem persists, it could be because the Connect:Direct Web Services/Redis database service has stopped. Attempt to stop and start the Redis and Web Services.
Connect:Direct server stops with the following error message: CD server is in stop state.
  • Connect:Direct node in stop state or,
  • Number of API connection reached maximum or,
  • A firewall Restriction
Ensure that the Connect:Direct Server is running and verify:
  • The API address and port number used to establish client sessions with this Connect:Direct Server
  • The Maximum API connections limit has reached. Close an open API connection to continue using the IBM Connect:Direct Web Services
  • If a Firewall restriction is in place and that the machine hosting Connect:Direct Web Services to Connect:Direct server is attached to the network
Web Admin user account is locked.
  • Failed login attempts
  • Lapses in security policies preventing a Web Admin user from retaining the current password.
Execute the Password Reset utility, ResetDefaultCDWSAdminPassword. For more information see, Password Reset for a Web Administrator.
Certificate-based authentication fails This possibly occurred due to domain name and the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) or common name mismatch of the SSL certificate.
  • When using certificate generated at installation, verify if the common-name is configured with the correct hostname value.
  • When using an external certificate, verify if either one of the following two conditions is met:
    • the common-name is configured with the correct hostname value
    • the IP Address/Hostname should match Subject Alternative Names (SAN) as defined in SSL certificate
Reference to PostgreSQL database may remain in the Registry after Connect:Direct Web Services for Windows is successfully uninstalled.  
  • Start the Registry editor (regedit.exe)
  • Locate the current control set and delete the related values HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Control Set > Services and delete >PostGreSQL -MFTWebServices
  • Quit the Registry editor
  • Restart your system
All services were up and running but unable to access Connect:Direct Web Console. This possibly occurred due to firewall settings. The settings are blocking connection attempts to Web services application. Contact your system administrator.
RESTful APIs logs display the following error: org.postgresql.util
.PSQLException: FATAL: password authentication: failed for user "postgres"
This issue occurs when you execute the PostgreSQL password reset procedures for Connect:Direct Web Services running zLinux and AIX platforms.
  1. Stop the CDWebservices
  2. Go to Installation_Directory>/mftws/BOOT-INF/classes and invoke the following command to apply password changes to Web services:
    java -jar PasswordEncryption-0.1.jar <new_password>
  3. Launch Connect:Direct Web Services using the following utility:
Reset PostgreSQL Database using old password.   Follow Reset PostgreSQL Database connection password procedure using old password described here, PostgreSQL database Password management.
Change PostgreSQL Database in case of forgotten password   Follow Reset PostgreSQL database connection in case of forgotten password described here, PostgreSQL database Password management.