Regenerating the Netmap

  1. Shut down the DTF, if necessary.
  2. Execute the Unload Netmap utility, DGADNTLD.
  3. Change the names of the TCQ and TCX data sets in the unloaded member. The names are defined within the LOCAL.NODE definition.
  4. REPRO the old network map data to preserve a copy of it for fallback purposes.
  5. Delete, define, and reload the netmap.
  6. Initialize the DTF and specify the QUIESCE=YES initialization parameter.
  7. Use SELECT PROCESS to display the TCQ contents, and delete any unwanted processes.
  8. Issue the MODIFY Sessions command to resume DTF operation.
  9. After you are confident that IBM® Connect:Direct® is operating normally with the new TCQ and TCX data sets, delete the original network map, TCQ and TCX data sets.