Customizing Tivoli NetView with the Tivoli Enterprise Console
Perform the following tasks to customize Tivoli NetView using the Tivoli Enterprise Console. Refer to the appropriate Tivoli NetView documentation for the proper command syntax.
Importing the IBM Connect:Direct Trap Configuration File
Transfer and execute the script to add the Connect:Direct® for z/OS® trap in to the trapd.conf file.
- Transfer the file, $CD.SDGATRP(DGAZTRAP), to the appropriate computer. This is a text file. Transfer it as
- Run the script to add the traps to the trapd.conf file.
Importing the IBM Connect:Direct MIB
To import the product MIB:
- Transfer the product MIB, $CD.SDGAMIB(DGAZMIB), to the appropriate machine. This is a text file. Transfer it as SDGAMIB.mib.
- Use the UNIX process, xnmloadmib, to load the Connect:Direct for z/OS MIB into the MIB database.
Setting Up Tivoli NetView Rules
Set up a rule using nvrsEdit that forwards the IBM® Connect:Direct trap messages to the Tivoli Enterprise Console. A sample rules files is provided in $CD.SDGATRP(DGAZIVRS) that can be transferred as a text file to
Processing the Boroc File
- Transfer the $CD.SDGATRP(DGATOROC) file to the appropriate machine in the appropriate directory (usually TEC_CLASSES). This is a text file. Transfer it as CDTrap_Tivoli.boroc.
- Compile the rules using the wcomprules process.
- Load the rulebase using the wloadrb process.
- Recycle the TEC event server, wstopesvr and wstartesvr.