Configuring Docker Containers

The following section describes configuration information available in the cd_param_file. These parameters are required to deploy Connect:Direct for UNIX in a Docker container.
  • Ensure that this configuration file is named as cd_param_file and placed on the Storage Volume that is mapped to /opt/cdfiles path inside the container.

    At Docker startup, the cd_param_file is looked up at location /opt/cdfiles to complete deployment of Connect:Direct for UNIX in a Docker container.

  • During deployment, a default admin user cduser with group cduser is created. A mandatory parameter, cdai_adminPassword is added to cd_param_file to update the password required by cduser at container start up. The default UID and GID of cduser is 45678.
  • The UID and GID of cduser can be set to some real user on the host system. By setting the same UID and GID as on the host system, the host system user would have suitable permissions on the files present on the host path so that this user can be used to edit any setting or configuration files related to Connect:Direct for Unix running inside container.
    Example: If you have a user, host-user having UID and GID set to 2000 and 4000 respectively on the host system. There are 'upload' (for files to be sent) and 'download' (for files to be received) directories created by this user. These directories can be mounted on the CDU container so that these folders are available inside container. In order to give cduser access to these directories inside the container, the UID and GID of cduser can be set to 2000 and 4000 respectively.
    Similarly, you can set the UID and GID of appuser which is a non-admin user of Connect:Direct for Unix running inside container. The user appuser is created only if you have passed its password to be set inside container using cdai_appuser_pwd parameter in cd_param_file.
  • Sample parameter file
Note: For security reasons, passwords are removed from the parameter file at installation.
Parameter Mandatory/Optional Default Value Description
cdai_localNodeName Optional container-id The node-name to be configured during silent installation of Connect:Direct.


Optional 1363 API Port
cdai_serverPort Optional 1364 Server Port
cdai_localCertFile Mandatory NA Certificate file name (File name only)
cdai_localCertPassphrase Mandatory NA Certificate password
cdai_keystorePassword Mandatory NA Password to be used during the creation of KeyStore created with silent installation.
cdai_adminPassword Mandatory NA Password for admin account cduser
cdai_appuser_name Optional appuser

Name of Non-Admin Connect:Direct user

cdai_appuser_pwd Optional NA Password of Non-Admin Connect:Direct user
cdai_appuser_uid Optional NA UID of Non-Admin Connect:Direct user
cdai_appuser_gid Optional NA GID of Non-Admin Connect:Direct user
cdai_admin_uid Optional 45678 UID of Admin User cduser
cdai_admin_gid Optional 45678 GID of Admin User cduser