Configuring the Certified Container
Following table describes configuration parameters listed in
file in
Helm charts and are used to complete installation. Use the following steps to complete this action:- Specify parameters that need to be overridden using the
--set key=value[,key=value]
argument at Helm install.Example
helm install --name <release-name> \ --set cdArgs.cport=9898 \ ... ibm-connect-direct-1.0.0.tgz
- Alternatively, provide a YAML file with values specified for these parameters when you install a
Chart. Create a copy of
file such as,my-values.yaml
and edit the values that you would like to override. Use themy-values.yaml
file for installation.Example:helm install --name <release-name> -f my-values.yaml ... ibm-connect-direct-1.0.0.tgz
- To mount extra volumes use any of the following templates.
For Hostpath:
extraVolumeMounts: - name: <name> mountPath: <path inside container> extraVolume: - name: <name same as name in extraVolumeMounts> hostPath: path: <path on host machine>
For NFS ServerextraVolumeMounts: - name: <name> mountPath: <path inside container> extraVolume: - name: <name same as name in extraVolumeMounts> nfs: path: <nfs data path>
Alternatively, this can also be done usingExample--set flag
.helm install --name <release-name> --set extraVolume[0].name=<name>,extraVolume[0].hostPath.path=<path on host machine>,extraVolume[0].hostPath.type="DirectoryOrCreate",extraVolumeMounts[0].name=<name same as name in extraVolume>,extraVolumeMounts[0].mountPath=<path inside container> \ ... ibm-connect-direct-1.0.0.tgz
ORhelm install --name <release-name> --set extraVolume[0].name=<name>,extraVolume[0].nfs.path=<nfs data path>,extraVolume[0].nfs.server=<NFS server IP>, extraVolumeMounts[0].name=<name same as name in extraVolume>,extraVolumeMounts[0].mountPath=<path inside container> \ ... ibm-connect-direct-1.0.0.tgz server: <server ip> type: DirectoryOrCreate
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
env.license | License Agreement | agree |
env.timezone | Timezone | UTC |
arch | Node Architecture | AMD64 |
replicaCount | Number of deployment replicas | 1 |
image.repository | Image full name including repository | |
image.tag | Image tag | |
image.imageSecrets | Image pull secrets | |
image.pullPolicy | Image pull policy | Always |
cdArgs.nodeName | Node name | cdnode |
cdArgs.crtName | Certificate file name | |
cdArgs.cport | Client Port | 1363 | | Server Port | 1364 |
cdArgs.configDir | Directory for storing Connect:Direct configuration files | CDFILES | |
Name of Non-Admin Connect:Direct User |
appuser |
appUser.uid |
UID of Non-Admin Connect:Direct User | |
appUser.gid | GID of Non-Admin Connect:Direct User | |
persistence.enabled | To use persistent volume | true |
persistence.useDynamicProvisioning | To use storage classes to dynamically create PV | false |
pvClaim.storageClassName | Storage class of the PVC | |
pvClaim.size | Size of PVC volume | 100Mi |
pvClaim.selector.label | PV label key to bind this PVC | |
pvClaim.selector.value | PV label value to bind this PVC | |
service.type | Kubernetes service type exposing ports | LoadBalancer | | API port name | api |
service.apiport.port | API port number | 1363 |
service.apiport.protocol | Protocol for service | TCP | | Server (File Transfer) Port name | ft |
service.ftport.port | Server (File Transfer) Port number | 1364 |
service.ftport.protocol | Protocol for service | TCP |
service.externalIP | External IP for service discovery | |
secret.secretName | Secret name for Connect:Direct password store | |
resources.limits.cpu | Container CPU limit | 500mi |
resources.limits.memory | Container memory limit | 2000Mi |
resources.requests.cpu | Container CPU requested | 500m |
resources.requests.memory | Container Memory requested | 2000Mi |
serviceAccount.create | Enable/disable service account creation | true | | Name of Service Account to use for container | |
extraVolumeMounts | Extra Volume mounts | |
dashboard.enabled | Enable/disable dashboard monitoring | false |
extraVolume | Extra volumes | |
affinity.nodeAffinity.required DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution |
k8sPodSpec.nodeAffinity.required DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution |
affinity.nodeAffinity.preferred DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution |
k8sPodSpec.nodeAffinity.preferred DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution |
affinity.podAffinity.required DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution |
PodSpec.podAntiAffinity. requiredDuringSchedulingIgnored DuringExecution |
affinity.podAffinity.preferred DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution |
k8sPodSpec.podAntiAffinity. preferredDuringScheduling IgnoredDuringExecution |
affinity.podAntiAffinity.required DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution |
k8sPodSpec.podAntiAffinity. requiredDuringSchedulingIgnored DuringExecution |
affinity.podAntiAffinity.preferred DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution |
k8sPodSpec.podAntiAffinity. preferredDuringSchedulingIgnored DuringExecution |
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | Initial delay for liveness | 230 |
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds | Timeout for liveness | 30 |
livenessProbe.periodSeconds | Time period for liveness | 60 |
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | Initial delays for readiness | 220 |
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds | Timeout for readiness | 5 |
readinessProbe.periodSeconds | Time period for readiness | 60 |
route.enabled | Route for OpenShift Enabled/Disabled | false |
cduser.uid | UID for cduser | 45678 |
cduser.gid | GID for cduser | 45678 |
The chart provides ways in form of node affinity, pod affinity and pod anti-affinity to configure advance pod scheduling in Kubernetes. See, Kubernetes documentation for details.