Start and Set Up the Connect:Direct Secure Plus CLI

The following sections describe the commands and parameters used to start and set up the command line environment.

Start the Connect:Direct Secure Plus CLI

To start the Connect:Direct® Secure Plus Command Line Interface:

  1. Change to the following directory: C:\Program Files\IBM\Connect Direct v6.0.0\Server\Secure+.
  2. Enter the following command:

Control the Display of Commands

Set the following parameters to define how error messages are captured:
Parameter Definition Values
-li Switch to enable the display of commands to the terminal. y | n
-lo Switch to enable the display of output and error messages to the terminal. y | n
-le Switch to enable the display of errors to STDERR. y | n

Switch to tell the Connect:Direct Secure Plus CLI to exit when the return code is higher than the specified number.

If you do not include this parameter, Connect:Direct Secure Plus CLI runs even after an error occurs.

0 | 4 | 8 | 16
-p Full path of the default parameters file directory. The file in this directory is opened automatically.  
-h Switch to display the usage of the Connect:Direct Secure Plus CLl.  

Control Help

The Help command determines what help information is displayed. You can list all the Connect:Direct Secure Plus CLI commands and display help for individual commands.
Command Description
help Displays all the Connect:Direct Secure Plus CLI commands.
help <command> Displays help for the specified command.

Specify Delimiter Characters

Define the following commands to determine how error messages are captured:
Command Definition Values

Set begdelim=


Defines beginning and ending character to use to enclose keywords that use blanks and other special characters.

Any character

The default value is " (double quotes).