Submit Process Screen

Use the SUBMIT PROCESS screen to execute a Process by identifying the Process name, secondary node, times and dates, priority, requeue, class, hold and retain status, and symbolic parameters. The Process is located in the local node IBM® Connect:Direct® Process library.

You can specify symbolic parameters before you submit the Process to the IBM Connect:Direct DTF for execution. The IUI then submits the IBM Connect:Direct COPY Process to the connected IBM Connect:Direct DTF (the DTF specified on the Connect:Direct for z/OS® CICS® signon). A PROCESS SUBMITTED message is returned after the Process is successfully submitted to the DTF.

To access the SUBMIT PROCESS screen, select option SB on the PRIMARY MENU screen and press Enter. Following is an example.

                               SUBMIT PROCESS                         11:24:50

 PROCESS NAME        ==>  ________

 SECONDARY NODE      ==>  ________________      
 HOLD PROCESS        ==>  _        (Y=YES, N=NO, C=CALL)
 REQUEUE PROCESS     ==>  _        (Y=YES, N=NO) 
 RETAIN PROCESS      ==>  _        (Y=YES, N=NO, I=INIT)
 PRIORITY            ==>  __  
 CLASS               ==>  ___
 START DATE          ==>  __________   TIME ==>  __________
 NEW PROCESS NAME    ==>  ________  
 PLEXCLASS           ==>  ________  ________  (PNODE SNODE)
 SYMBOLIC PARAMETERS ==>  _____________________________________________________

 OVERRIDE SECURITY=>  N       (Y or N)

 Do you want values for this process to be CASE sensitive? ==>  NO

 PF keys:  1 Help   2 Msg   3 Exit   4 Menu   6 Id

The following table describes the Entry fields:

Field Description
PROCESS NAME 8-character field contains the name of the Process to be submitted. Field is required.
SECONDARY NODE This 16-character field contains the name of the secondary node (destination node) to which the Process is to be submitted. This field is optional. The value defaults to the SNODE specified in the Process.
HOLD PROCESS This 1-character field contains the Y, N, or C toggle for a Process to be kept in the HOLD queue. This field is optional.
  • Y (yes) holds the Process until it is deleted or released.
  • N (no) does not hold the Process. This value is the default.
  • C (call) holds the Process in the Wait queue until the secondary node requests work. If the Process consumes computer resources during periods of heavy system use, you can place the Process temporarily in the Hold queue, and release it during a time of infrequent use.
REQUEUE PROCESS This optional field specifies whether a copy step requeues if the Process terminates abnormally.
RETAIN PROCESS This 1-character field contains the Y, N, or I toggle to keep a copy of a Process in a queue after execution. This field is optional.
  • Y (yes) keeps the Process in the queue after execution.
  • N (no) deletes the Process after execution.
  • I (initialize) schedules the Process for execution every time IBM Connect:Direct is initialized.
PRIORITY This 2-character field contains the priority number for Process execution. This field is optional. Valid priority numbers range from 0–15 (highest).
CLASS This 3-character field contains the Process class assignment for a submitted Process. Filling the field is optional. Acceptable values range from 1–255.
TIME This 10-character field contains the start time expressed as hours, minutes, and seconds AM or PM (HH:MM:SSXM). This field is optional. Enter the start time on the basis of a 12- or 24-hour clock. If AM or PM is not used, the default is a 24-hour clock (2:00 PM or 14:00).
NEW PROCESS NAME 8-character field contains a new name for a submitted Process. This field is optional.
PLEXCLASS = (pnode class, snode class) Specifies the class that directs the Process to only certain servers in a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex. This parameter is only used in a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex.

Each server in a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex can be designated to support only certain PLEXCLASSes through the CDPLEX.PLEXCLASSES initialization parameter. Processes can then be limited to only those servers by specifying the PLEXCLASS in the Process definition.

The PNODE class controls which IBM Connect:Direct/Server runs the Process. The SNODE class controls what other node is used with the Process.

The PNODE class and SNODE class are each 1-8 characters long. Use an asterisk (*) to indicate that the Process can run on any server with an asterisk designated in the CDPLEX.PLEXCLASSES initialization parameter. If no PLEXCLASS is specified, the Process runs on any IBM Connect:Direct/Server that supports PLEXCLASS.

If a Process must run on a specific IBM Connect:Direct/Server, specify the IBM Connect:Direct/Server name in this field. The Process runs only on that server.

SYMBOLIC PARAMETERS This 2-line field contains the symbolic parameters that you want substituted for the items in the SUBMIT PROCESS operation. This field is optional. Enter the symbolics as follows: &PARAMETER=SUBSTITUTION, and so forth. You can specify as many symbolic parameters as fit on the lines provided. Each must be separated by at least one space.
SECURITY OVERRIDE This optional field is for PNODE and SNODE security checking. Type a Y or N. You can check or modify security information on PNODE or SNODE on the Submit Process screen. Refer to Security Override Screen.
CASE Sensitive Following this question, indicate whether you want to allow mixed case input. This option is available as a session default, and you can specify the option during signon. You can override the specified default on commands that apply to userid, password, and data set name. When you submit commands with YES specified, IBM Connect:Direct includes the CASE=YES parameter with your command.

Note: CICS only interprets mixed case data if your terminal is defined to accept it. The CICS TCT MACRO or RDO TYPETERM definition must be defined with UCTRAN=NO for mixed case data to be input to IBM Connect:Direct from a CICS terminal.

The following table describes the one system field which is displayed after you successfully submit a Process.

Field Description
PROCESS NUMBER number This 21-character field contains the PROCESS NUMBER number message after the successful completion of a SUBMIT PROCESS task, where number is the system-generated Process number.