Use the following procedure to load the IBM® Connect:Direct® CICS® option into the CICS system definition:
- Edit, customize and submit $CD.SDGAJCL(DGAJCSDL).
JOB creates and loads the CICS CONFIGuration
data set using the data collected during the execution of DGA#CONF.
JOB also installs the DGACCSD contents into your CICS CSD.
- If you plan to upgrade from a prior release of IBM Connect:Direct,
review Upgrading to IBM Connect:Direct Version
5.1 in the IBM
Connect:Direct for z/OS® Release Notes.
- Edit, customize and submit $CD.SDGAJCL(DGAJCSDO).
This JOB uninstalls the prior IBM Connect:Direct CICS feature from your CICS CSD.
- If you need ESS processing, you must customize DGAQ247.
You must also customize DGAQM98, depending on changes to DGAQ247,
and, possibly, DGAQ249. These are located in $CD.SDGASAMP. Search
for Using ESS with the CICS API
in the documentation.
- If you customized ESS:
Customize, edit and
run DGAXASMB to Assemble DGAQM98.
Customize, edit and run DGAXASMC
for DGAQ247 or DGAQ249, or both.
- Modify the CICS startup
JCL/JOB for the CICS that uses
the CSD where the RDO source was installed based on the information
- Bring up CICS and
verify the install by performing the procedure in Starting the Connect:Direct
for z/OS CICS Interface.