Stopping IBM Connect:Direct

The STOP CD command stops IBM® Connect:Direct® through one of five types of shutdowns:

  • Force
  • Immediate
  • Step
  • Quiesce
  • Run Task Immediate

This command is usually used for system maintenance.

If you are running IBM Connect:Direct/Plex, shut down the individual IBM Connect:Direct/Servers or the IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment. Specify if the extended recovery standby system processes the work performed by the system being shut down.

The STOP CD command has the following format and parameters.

Label Command Parameters
(optional) STOP CD [Force | Immediate | Quiesce | Runtaskimm | Step]
    [CDPLEX | WHERE (SERVER=server name)]

The parameters for the STOP CD command are:

Parameter Description
Force Stops IBM Connect:Direct through a user U4082 ABEND, and produces a dump. Use this option only when problems occur.
Immediate Terminates all active transmissions immediately after any executing Run Task Processes complete. IBM Connect:Direct writes the statistics record, closes the files, and shuts down. All Processes resume execution when IBM Connect:Direct is reinitialized. If a Process is set for checkpointing and IBM Connect:Direct stops with this parameter, IBM Connect:Direct starts from the last checkpoint and resumes transferring data when the Process resumes. IMMEDIATE is the default.
Note: You can change how the Immediate parameter interprets the shutdown command by using the IMMEDIATE.SHUTDOWN initialization parameter. If IMMEDIATE.SHUTDOWN=I (the default), an immediate shutdown functions as described in the preceding paragraph. However, if IMMEDIATE.SHUTDOWN=R, an immediate shutdown functions as a runtaskimm shutdown, terminating any executing Run Task Processes before shutting down IBM Connect:Direct.

Refer to IMMEDIATE.SHUTDOWN = I | R | (I, nnn | 60) | (R, nnn | 60) for more information.

Quiesce Enables all active transmissions to run until all executing Process steps complete. No new transmissions are started, and no additional Processes are accepted. All interactive sessions are terminated except for the issuer of the STOP CD command. All active Processes must complete and then you must sign off before IBM Connect:Direct stops.
Runtaskimm Terminates any Run Task Processes before stopping IBM Connect:Direct. After the Processes are terminated, IBM Connect:Direct writes the statistics record, closes the files, and shuts down. This parameter is provided because the Immediate parameter does not terminate a Run Task until it reaches an interrupt point, such as a checkpoint. A long-running Run Task could delay IBM Connect:Direct shutdown until it completes. When IBM Connect:Direct restarts, if the RUNTASK.RESTART initialization parameter is YES, the checkpoint records for the terminated Run Task restart the Run Task.
Step Enables active transmissions to run until the current step of each executing Process finishes. IBM Connect:Direct then writes the statistics records, closes the files, and shuts down. All Processes resume execution when IBM Connect:Direct is reinitialized.
CDPLEX Shuts down the entire IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment. You cannot use this parameter in a IBM Connect:Direct/Stand-alone Server.
WHERE (SERVER=server name) Specifies which IBM Connect:Direct/Server in a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment to shut down. The server name parameter is the 1–8 character name assigned to a IBM Connect:Direct/Server by the CDPLEX.SERVER initialization parameter. You cannot use this parameter in a IBM Connect:Direct/Stand-alone Server.

Use this parameter if you only want to shut down a particular IBM Connect:Direct/Server, but leave the rest of the IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment running. (Use the INQUIRE CDPLEX command described in Displaying IBM Connect:Direct/Plex Status to find the name of a server.)

Note: When you shut down a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment, you must specify CDPLEX. If you are shutting down a server, you must also specify WHERE(SERVER=).
RECOVER Specifies if the extended recovery standby system continues processing work from the system that is shutting down.


The following example stops IBM Connect:Direct, and terminates all transactions immediately.


The following example stops an entire IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment after all Processes are complete.


The following example force stops a IBM Connect:Direct/Server named WALTER, but continues processing on the extended recovery standby system.