Stopping Connect:Direct for Microsoft
Windows from Connect:Direct Requester
To stop Connect:Direct® for Microsoft
Windows from Connect:Direct Requester:
Select Admin > Netmap to open the node you want to stop.
Select Admin > Stop Node.
Select one of the stop server options:
Terminate processes at end of step—Stops Connect:Direct when
all executing Process steps are complete. Writes statistics records,
closes files, and shuts down Connect:Direct.
Quiesce after active processes complete—Stops the server when
all executing Processes are complete. No new Processes are started.
Immediate orderly shutdown—Stops all activity, terminates Processes
and connections, writes statistic records, closes files, and shuts
down Connect:Direct.
Force termination now—Forcibly terminates Connect:Direct.
No attempt is made to terminate executing Processes or to write statistic
records. All server resources are released. This is the least desirable
way to stop the server.
Click OK to stop the node. If the
server is stopped, the icon in the Control Panel nodes view is unavailable.