Installation Overview
After you complete the installation worksheets, you are ready to install Connect:Direct® for Microsoft Windows.
Install all components or selected components. Connect:Direct components include:
- Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows server-Performs the functions issued from the user interface. If you want a dedicated server, install only this component. It also includes the Command Line Interface (CLI), a tool that allows you to issue commands to the server.
- Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows Requester-A graphical user interface that makes it easy to configure the Connect:Direct environment, create Processes, and submit commands to the server.
- Connect:Direct File Agent-Scans watched directories for files. When a file is detected, Connect:Direct File Agent either submits a default Process to Connect:Direct or performs the actions specified by the rules for the file.
- Connect:Direct Secure Plus-Implements security into a Connect:Direct operation. It must be installed on both nodes in order to activate the security software.
Software Developer's Kit (SDK) allows programmers to customize the functions of Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows.
After you install Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows, TCP/IP information, database information and notification method is defined in the initialization parameters. To change TCP/IP information, the notification type, or the Connect:Direct database, refer to the IBM Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows System Guide.