Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows Installation Worksheet

Complete this worksheet before you install Connect:Direct® for Microsoft Windows.

Decision Choices Additional Information
What Connect:Direct software to install?
  • Connect:Direct Requester
  • Connect:Direct Server
  • Connect:Direct Secure Plus
Choose the installation directory (where X represents the drive letter.)
  • Accept the default installation directory - X:\Program Files\Sterling Commerce\Connect Direct 4.7.00
  • Change the installation directory
  • Install on a network drive
  • Place an icon on a desktop to perform the installation the first time the application is opened.
Name the Connect:Direct node - The default local node name is the name of the Microsoft Windows computer.  
Note: To change the local node name after the product is installed, you must reinstall Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows.
Identify the database software
  • PostgreSQL
  • Microsoft SQL Server Express
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • MySQL

If security is implemented on Microsoft SQL Server—Microsoft Windows Authentication, create a valid user ID and password and a CREATE TABLE privilege within the database.

Identify TCP/IP communication information


Identify Node-to-Node IP Address, Node-to-Node Port, User Interface IP Address, User Interface Port

Identify UDT communication information


Identify Node-to-Node IP Address, Node-to-Node Port, User Interface IP Address, User Interface Port

Identify additional components
  • APPC Connectivity - SNA. Identify LU Name, Net ID, Mode Name.
  • Process Notification. Specify NT Broadcast or SMTP. If SMTP, specify Host Address, Host Port (default is 25), and Sender.
  • Load an Existing Network Map. Identify the fully qualified pathname for the MAP.CFG.
  • Load Existing User Authorities. Identify the Fully qualified pathname for the USER.CFG.